Practical Cyber Threat Intelligence

Learn the Fundamentals of Cyber Threat Identification, Analysis, and Mitigation.

What You Will Learn:

Develop in-demand proficiencies with core cyber-security skills relating to threat intelligence analysis.

Build brand reputation by acquiring an elevated security posture relative to your competition.

Protect from malicious threat actors that may disrupt business continuity through ransomware and other attacks.

Create and participate in cyber threat intelligence collection and analysis

Gain an understanding of Cyber Threats.

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Malware Analysis Fundamentals

 Add this course now to gain in-demand skills required to advance your career.

Get equipped to respond to incidents, analyze malware, and develop algorithms that will help you with these tasks. Learn how to apply your skills to reverse engineer non-malicious software and gain insight into how they operate. Gain knowledge about how AI and machine learning can help to detect malware.

[[5999 | currency]]

Reverse Engineering: Ghidra For Beginners

Add this course now to gain in-demand skills required to advance your career. 

Learn Reverse Engineering Using Ghidra on Linux and Windows with this comprehensive course.

[[5999 | currency]]

Real-Time Threat Detection with Elastic Stack

Add this course now to gain in-demand skills required to advance your career. 

An Introduction to the hacking techniques of Hackers, Pentesters, and Cyber Security Professionals.

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